Imagine being able to walk through the painful journey of grief and coming out a stronger version of yourself on the other side. What does that person look like? How can we get there?
Sometimes it is sharply painful. Sometimes it inspires anger or numbness. When you’re experiencing the pain of loss, sometimes it can be difficult to find meaning in the experience.
Because we live in a society that is often uncomfortable confronting deep emotions, there are many things we do to try and avoid pain.
Perhaps you are drinking more than you normally would. Or, maybe you are throwing yourself into work, having difficulty connecting with the people in your life, or shutting down portions of your personality or emotions.
You do not need to go through this struggle alone. Bereavement counseling is designed to help you to find meaning in grief, providing you with a way of honoring the past without sacrificing your future.
If you’re feeling lost, or having a difficult time finding closure, our grief therapists create a safe environment for you to experience these tough feelings and integrate grief into your life. We also provide an outlet where you can safely talk about the person you lost and work through the guilt of things you did or didn’t say.
The grieving process is highly personal and different for everyone. We work with you to build new skills and adjust to a new life. What would it be like if you could overcome the loneliness you’re experiencing right now and find the courage to form new bonds and friendships?
At Twin Lakes Counseling, we’re proud to offer therapeutic services to clients in Auburn, Federal Way, Puyallup, Kent, and Tacoma. If you’re interested in a faith-based approach to grief counseling, we also have select therapists who are able to provide this service.